Wednesday, February 11, 2009

But I had good intentions.... I started this blog with the intention of keeping it up...just hasn't happened too much lately! I have been really busy at work lately working as many as 55 hours each week...not a lot of time for having fun. Now times have slowed down so hopefully I will be able to keep current on this. Stay tuned....

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Where did the weekend go?

I seem to ask myself this question a lot on Sunday evenings...but I never seem to have a really good answer. Sure I've done some fun things...and some not so fun things...but the weekend always seems to go too fast. Before I know it will be time to set the alarm and head to bed. I'm sure I'll ask myself the same question next Sunday evening too!

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Snow Day!

Today I got to enjoy the age old tradition of the snow day! For those of you who may not have lots of snow where you live, this is the day when most schools close (and some businesses) to allow you to remain warm and toasty in your home rather than out in the -5 degree weather and 12+ inches of snow! I remember this type of day fondly from my childhood as a day where you got to stay home from school and talk on the phone with your friends and possibly go out into the snow and enjoy it. Now these days are simply a day that I do not have to go into work and will stay inside for warmth as much as possible. The other thing is that there's not too much to do....I mean, no one else is home enjoying a day off (not many businesses will actually close these days) and most friends at work don't want to talk to you because they are jealous you got to stay home.

At 5PM tonight I finally decided to venture out...what a mistake. My truck was covered in 6 inches of snow, not to mention the ice frozen underneath. Once I tackled this mess, I hit the road. Portage is the main street by my home and usually a good choice in bad weather...not this time. It was a complete sheet of ice...all you could see was headlights glaring off the slick roadway. I went to the store to get something for dinner and to get my sick hubby some was a zoo! There were people everywhere grabbing everything off the shelves...when is the last time we've been snowed in for more than a day people?!?! I was only in the store like five minutes and by the time I came out my windshield had already iced over again (remember it is -5 out). By the time I got it thawed out again I was done...time to go home and forget coming back out until this cold is gone!

Hopefully tomorrow will be better, although I think that might be too optimistic. It's supposed to be -14 degrees when I get up for work :(

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

I've finally done it!

I have finally went ahead and created a blog. I figure that maybe, just maybe, I may have something interesting to write that others might want to read. Stay tuned....