Wednesday, March 3, 2010

A Second Day in a Row?

What?!?! Blogging two days in a row! It's unheard of!

I am really wanting to make an effort to continue with my blogging. So I figure I must give myself some credit for the small victories!

Today I had one of those days where I wonder how I managed to fit so much in! I managed to work, have a personal appointment, go to the doctor, clean my house, cook and then some. Work was pretty low key so I didn't feel so stressed at the end, which is why I am guessing I was still feeling motivated long after leaving. I love days like today, where the sun is shining (even though it's still freezing) and it just makes you feel good to feel its warmth.

Jay had to work late tonight, which totally sucked, but we were able to spend a little quality time together before it was time to tuck him and the puppies in for the night.

I am looking forward to my relaxing evening and am going to indulge in some of my DVR'd fluff. Jay doesn't really like it much so I try to limit his exposure to times when I really feel like I need a watching partner.

Oh yeah-can't forget that tonight is the series finale of one of my fave shows, Nip Tuck. Can't forget to set the DVR for that one!

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